In The Huffington Post Dr. Steiner-Adair offers tips on how to make the most of the national tech-free day March 7 and use the national campaign as a great excuse to connect irl with friends and family.


“Your parents love you,” I tell kids wherever I go. “Grown-ups are struggling, just like kids are struggling, to get control of their tech habits and who they are online.”
We could all use a break. Think of the National Day of Unplugging as a day to remind us how uniquely valuable that quality of time together is. Tech is terrific as the great connector, but we need time off — offline, screen-free, unplugged, whatever you want to call it — to be with each other and by ourselves in ways that simply cannot happen when we’re distracted by our constant availability to others or by distractions of our own choosing. In any given day there are so many ways we can create mini-moments to be a more fully present and undistracted presence with the people we love the most, plugged in to each other’s lives in a special way. Spend a day unplugged, just being fully present to the moment without any digital distractions, and reconnect with what a difference a day makes.

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